Massoth Control Systems phone Tony for Expert Advice
403 646 2671
MASSOTH Starter Control System
1 of 5 set ...... 8136501 central station
2 of 5 set ...... 8134801 navigator
3 of 5 set ...... 5604 power supply
4 of 5 set ...... -1001 wireless receiver
5 of 5 set ...... -6101 switch decoder , 4 channel
" the G-Scaler " needs all 5 components for the system ...... $1979.25 CDN
plus shipping
Central Station .......$920.00
Navigator ........ $392.00
Power Supply...... $225.00
Wireless Receiver....... $224.00
Switch Decoder 4 channel $124.00
USA Trains 10 Analog Power Supply with power supply Tethered Control
- Momentum & Brake.....variable to N, HO, & G ..... $380.00